Recommended Reading
These are some of the books I’ve found to be interesting, challenging and worthwhile for growing in the Lord and living for Him. You might want to bookmark this page to keep up with the periodic additions and updates.
- Pastor Jess
Living For Jesus
Each of the following books has made a significant impact on my life. I recommend them to you in faith that through them you will grow to know Jesus better and be able to live for Him more effectively.

Roy Hession
Kyle Idleman
David Platt
Added 01/09/2011
Donald Miller
Stephen R. Covey
Michael Yaconelli
C.S. Lewis
Erwin McManus
Andrew Murray
Mark R. Levin
Added 08/26/2013
Andy Andrews
Added 11/25/2012
David Hackett Fischer
David McCullough
Church Life
Gene A. Getz
A. W. Tozer
Added 02/10/2012